Nialli Workspace - Remote Training

    Nialli Workspace Training Outline

    This course is designed for new comers to the Nialli Workspace environment. No previous knowledge is expected.

    Type of course: Remote

    Duration of Course: 1 1/2 - 2 Hours

    Maximum attendees: 10

    Introductions and welcome


    Overview of the Nialli Workspace

    • A brief introduction to the software and user cases
    • Question session allowing added focus to the course for specific requests


    Key software elements

    • Notes - Adding, Editing and Moving
    • Sections - Creating, Editing, Ordering
    • Annotations - How the Nialli Workspace incorporates annotating
    • Text - Adding text and manipulating
    • Groups - How grouping benefits collaboration


    Remote collaboration

    • Sharing your Nialli Workspace
    • Using Quickshare for collaborative responses



    • Images - How to use imagery as part of the Nialli Workspace
    • Word and PowerPoint files
    • PDF files


    Final Questions




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