The Mago Admin Portal is a key part of the Mago meeting room solution as it allows administrators to remotely monitor, configure and identify & resolve problems from anywhere.
We strongly recommend that you set up an account on the admin portal prior to installing your first Mago Room system
Setting Up An Account
Creating an account is straightforward.
Simply go to https://admin.mago.io and hit ‘Sign Up’. Depending on your company policies, you can sign up with Google, Apple or Microsoft ID or using your email address.
Once registered, you will be sent an email to authentic your account.
Once logged in, you will be presented with a dashboard showing the status of your Mago Room estate.
Adding Rooms To Your Account
Before you can manage your rooms on the admin console, you will need to add the licence(s).
Again, this is straightforward.
On the main menu, select ‘Licences’.
To add a licence, simply click the Add Licence button
Add your licence key and press submit.
Once you activate the licence in your Mago Room system, it will then appear in the Rooms List on the admin console.
NOTE: It may take a few minutes for your Mago Room to appear in the Rooms List once it has been activated. If it doesn’t appear after 5 minutes, you can force the communication between the room and the admin console by rebooting the room device. If you encounter further problems, please contact the support team.
Renewal of service contracts
If you are renewing the service contract of your Mago Room, you will need to add the renewal key.
Go to Add a Licence, and press ‘Use this key as renewal for another key’.
You will be asked to enter the new licence key as well as confirming the previous licence key for the Mago Room system
Navigating the Dashboard
When you log onto the Admin Console, you will be presented with a dashboard which gives you an overview of the status of your Mago Room systems. Here you can see systems that are online, offline or are experiencing issues. You can get more detailed information by clicking on the ‘Current meeting rooms overall state’.
On the right hand side of the screen you will see any notifications. These may include rooms with issues, offline meeting rooms and rooms that can be upgraded with later software. Again, click into any of the notifications to get more information.
By scrolling down the page, you will see more statistics including an timeline of your meetings on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as well as the rooms with the most usage. This can be useful to identify which rooms are being heavily used – as well as those that are less popular.
Rooms List - Information
Click on ‘Rooms List’ to get a full list of all Mago Rooms in your estate.
You can see immediately the status of each room.
Click ‘Details’ to manage a specific room.
You will be presented with an Information page which gives high level information on the system including details of the PC, operating system and current Mago build. You can easily see the status of attached peripherals.
Further down the page, you can see system performance including live data on processor and memory usage.
Room Lists - Management
To manage the room, click on the Management tab on the top menu.
You will then be presented with a number of options. These will vary depending on the hardware platform you are using and attached peripherals.
You can change the room name, and associate the room with specific identifying tabs and groups.
You can adjust microphone and speaker levels of the in-room equipment.
You can turn on people counting and enable in-room notifications if capacity is reached (please note that this only works if you are using supported cameras – Jabra Panacast and Huddly IQ, S1 and L1). NOTE: Do not turn this feature on if using unsupported cameras as it will provide erroneous data and on-screens messages will could confuse end users.
Room Lists – Management (cont.)
Further down the page, you have additional options
Under Commands you can force a restart of the Mago Room application, or stop the application if necessary. You can also force a PC reboot or restart the wireless presentation element of the system. Finally you can download logs (required if you want to raise a support ticket).
If we scroll further down, we have further options
Here we can push the latest release of software to the Mago Room.
We can also see what calendar and UC accounts the system is using.
Room Lists – Management (cont.)
On the final section of the page, we can apply policies.
Policies are simply system settings that are usually applied during the configuration process. We will cover this in more detail later.
The final action you can do is to Delete the Room. DO NOT PRESS THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY MEAN IT!
Room Lists – Equipment
On the Equipment tab you can see what screens are attached the system and take screenshots. This is a useful tool to get a snapshot of any errors that the users may be seeing in the room. This will include all screens – including any wired control panel.
Rooms List – Analytics
The final section of the Rooms List is analytics.
You have the option to view analytics by day, week or month and you will be presented with Total Meetings, Average Duration, No Shows, Average Start Time (early or late) and the total duration of meetings
Rooms List – Analytics (cont.)
You are then presented with additional charts showing how your meeting room is being used. These include Instant Meetings vs Booked Meetings vs BYOM; Offline vs Online meetings (i.e. local usage against video meetings); meeting start time (early, late or on-time); what wireless sharing protocols have been used; which video conference systems have been used; and what types of meeting have taken place (video; whiteboarding, wireless sharing and applications).
This data shows how your meeting estate is performing, and how it is being utilised, allowing informed decisions to be made to optimise your room usage.
Groups and Tags
You can assign each room to a Group and Tags, enabling you to easily identify where your Mago Room sits within your organisation.
You configure your Groups and Tags under the appropriate menu option.
You add a Room to a Group or assign a Tag under the Room List – Management section.
Task Scheduler
In this section you can schedule specific actions to take place in a specific room or multiple rooms using pre-defined Groups or Tags.
To create a scheduled task, firstly assign a name, then select one of the allowed commands from the drop down list.
These include – Enable / Display Audo; Set Volume Level; Set Microphone Level; Start/Stop Mago Room App; Update Mago Room software; Restart PC; Restart Wireless Presentation; Run Powershell Script
Multiple commands can be scheduled under the same scheduled task.
Assign the scheduled task to a room, multiple rooms (manual selection) or group of rooms (via Tags/Groups).
Select Start Date and Time or leave blank to run immediately.
If you want to repeat the task, schedule it to repeat as needed and select an end date.
Save the scheduled task and it will run as configured.
Policies are simply system settings. These would normally be configured through the Configuration section of the Mago Room system, but if you prefer to do them remotely, then you can configure your default policies here and apply them to your room(s).
Each section of the Configuration Wizard is represented in the Policies section, so if you have multiple, identical Mago Room systems, it can be useful to create matching Policies in the admin console so you can remotely reset the Mago Room in case of any issues.
Once a Policy has been created, you can apply this to any system via the Rooms List – Management section.
In this section you will see a list of users who have a Mago User Subscription. This is for users who utilise the remote collaboration tools within the Mago Companion Application.
If you need to purchase new user subscriptions, then a user licence key will be provided which needs to be added in this section before the user gets access to the advanced features in the Companion App.
To add a user, press
Enter the licence key and the email address of the user.
NOTE: The email address must match the email address used to set up the Companion App.
Once activated, the next time the user logs onto the Companion App, they will have access to the full feature set.
The Users section does not allow additional admin users to be configured. If needed, please contact the support desk.
Audit Logs
Here you can download a full log of activity for a date range for a specific room. This is only likely to be useful in case of complex support cases.
Here you can access the latest version of the Mago Room software, as well as the Companion App and Wireless Controller software.