GoBright - Setting Up The NFC Identifier


    To find the NFC identifier associated with your tag / card, you can use the NFC Tools app.

    This is available on the Play Store and the iOS App Store.


    Hold the card to the back of your compatible phone and it will read the information.

    The code you need to enter into the GoBright platform is the serial number:




    Once you have your serial number, head over to the GoBright Portal and log into your account. 


    Note: The account must have administrator privileges to make these changes.


    Navigate to the Admin Center:


    And then users:


    Select the user that you wish to associate the serial number of the card with and enter it under the NFC Identifier field.

    Note: We recommend entering the serial number including the colons (e.g XX:XX:XX:XX) however, GoBright will attempt to format the field by adding the colons after you have saved the changes.



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